Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Kilt Definition
1. A knee-length pleated skirt usually of tartan worn by men in Scotland and by Scottish regiments in the British armies۔
2. A garment resembling a knee-length skirt of pleated tartan cloth, traditionally worn by manes part of Scottish Highland dress and now also worn by women and girls. 
3. Kilt knee-length skirt like garment that is worn by men as a major element of the traditional national garb of Scotland. (The other main component of Highland dress, as the traditional male garb of Scotland is called, is the plaid, which is a rectangular length of cloth worn over the left shoulder.) The kilt is a length of woven wool that is permanently pleated except for sections at each end and wrapped around the wearer’s waist in such a way that the pleats are massed at the wearer’s back and the flat, unpleated ends overlap to form a double layer at his front. Both kilt and plaid are usually made of cloth woven with a cross-checked repeating pattern known as a tartan (q.v.).The kilt and plaid ensemble developed in 17th-century Scotland from the fĂ©ile-breacan, a long piece of woolen cloth whose pleated first half was wrapped around the wearer’s waist, while the (unpleated) second half was then wrapped around the upper body, with a loose end thrown over the left shoulder. Subsequently in the 17th century two lengths of cloth began to be worn for these purposes, and the kilt and plaid thus came to be separate garments.The plaid and kilt form the only national costume in the British Isles that is worn for ordinary purposes, rather than merely for special occasions. Highland dress is also the uniform of Scottish regiments in the British army, and kilts have been worn in battle as recently as World war ll. 
4. The kilt is the most typical of Scotland. It consists of a skirt but has the peculiarity of being worn by men. It is currently used only for large occasions such as weddings, conventions, etc. It is often said that the color of the kilt traditionally differentiates the different clans coming from the region of the Highlands. However, in a famous study by historian Hugh Trevor-Roper entitled “The Invention of Tradition: The Highland Tradition in Scotland”, it is shown that the kilt, as the bagpipe, as a symbol of Scottish national identity, Was developed much later than is implied: “Far from being a traditional highland dress, it was invented by an Englishman after the Union of 1707, and the different” clans tartans “are even a later invention.” The essay is included in the volume The Invention of Tradition, Hobsbawm and Granger, pp. 23-48. Barcelona: Criticism. The particular design of each type of grid is sometimes alluded, by extension in relation to the fabric, to the term tartan. 
5. A kind of short petticoat, reaching from the waist to the knees, worn in the Highlands of Scotland by men, and in the Lowlands by young boys; a filibeg. 
6. A type of traditional Scottish clothing, similar to a skirt, worn by men. Kilts are made of woollen cloth in a pattern called tartan.
7. kilt was first used in English in the 18th century. It comes from the much older verb to kilt, meaning to tuck up, which is of Scandinavian origin.
8. A variety of non-bifurcated garments made for men and loosely resembling a Scottish kilt, but most often made from different fabrics and not always with tartan plaid designs.
9. A plaid, pleated school uniform skirt sometimes structured as a wrap around, sometimes pleated throughout the entire circumference.
10. To gather up part of a long garment, and hold it with a tuck, belt, pin, etc., in order to make it shorter. 

kilt is a garment resembling a knee-length skirt of pleated tartan cloth, traditionally worn by men as part of Scottish Highland dress and now also worn by women and girls.